5 Benefits of Working With a College Planner
1. A well-honed application that shines.
Top college consultants have years of experience helping students apply to and be accepted at great institutions. With hundreds of thousands of students applying to schools each academic year, competition for admission is tougher than ever. You need the expertise of someone who knows just what admission committees are looking for and how to make sure your application fits the bill. At College Planning ABC, we can help you edit and polish your essay, ensure your application highlights your strengths, and even practice your interview skills with you, to make sure you’re fully prepared.
2. A streamlined, less stressful process.
Applying to college can seem overwhelming. It can be a challenge to even know where to begin. A college planner can assist you every step of the way. From researching and narrowing down a list of schools to making sure you fill out all the correct forms and submit them on time, a college planner helps take the pressure off of what can often be a stressful time. With a college planner on your side, you can have a successful college application process and still have time to make the most of enjoying your senior year.
3. A second pair of (expert) eyes.
Forms, forms, forms. It can feel like the college application process is all about paperwork. When applying to several different schools, it is tough to keep track of all those bits and pieces. It’s even harder to avoid missing something or making a careless error. When you work with an accomplished college planner, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’ve got support on your side. We can review all of your documents, complete the CSS Profile, make adjustments and confirm the accuracy of your Student Aid Report (SAR), and help you with any other important forms, both academic and financial.
4. The chance to save money.
A premier college planner offers one special advantage that you can’t get anywhere else: the opportunity to potentially save thousands of dollars on your student’s higher education. From finding lesser known scholarships to providing expert advice on loans and financing, the experience of a qualified college planner gives you a significant resource to work with. At College Planning ABC, a great many of our clients have saved an incredible amount of money on their education. We may be able to help you do the same!
5. You can dream big.
At College Planning ABC, we’ve helped thousands of students realize their dreams. In fact, many families come to us with modest expectations, unsure of how to begin and what to strive for. Together, we show students the possibilities out there for them, aid them in identifying opportunities for scholarships and grants, and give them the tools they need to have a truly successful application season. There are more options available than many students realize, and their ambitions are indeed within their reach. Sometimes all it takes is a little guidance. We can’t guarantee you’ll be admitted to the institution of your choice, but we can promise that we’ll help you dream big and allow you to have the best possible shot at achieving your goals.
Our Approach
With these 5 benefits and many more to boot, it’s clear that working with a college consultant can give you a tremendous advantage. At College Planning ABC, we guarantee to provide (on time) all of the services listed on our college planning agreement. At the conclusion of your partnership with us, if you are not 100% satisfied, you can request your money back. We believe so strongly in the quality of our services that this is our promise to you.
Ready to start the application process? Get in touch with us today.